Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Not a photo, but a 3D-rendered piece of artwork by me, partially inspired by the image I used for my avatar.

Two souls - one male, the other female - trapped away forever inside the vases - they are soul mates - but will never be able to satisfy their longing to touch or feel - to achieve oneness with each other - for to break the glass would spell certain death - so as time moves on - the sun sets over the universe - yet the spirits of the lava continue to perform their dance - long into the night of eternity...

Made and rendered in DAZ Bryce 6.1

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Comment by Alita Jean on April 30, 2008 at 7:17pm
Thanks Astro. Bryce is so much simpler to use compared to most professional apps (ex. you don't need to take a class to learn how to use it).

LOL, johnuk - the pink female figure definitely has curvier proportions, but they are both fairly small.


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