Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

dropped new bottle while warm up, turned cloudy n wax floating

new lamp warming out and fell. now liquid is cloudy and fine particulates of wax suspending. worst is the wax is like snowie floating on top of bottle. wat to do???

snob snob few day old green fluidium....

any advise or links to forum?>

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Trust Dr. Bohdan, professor of the lava lamps

What he doesn't know ain't worth knowing about lol
Thanks Bohdan, Jerome,

turned it on few times since then , and got the wax back down to the base. However can see many bubbles within the wax and the liquid cloudy still.

will listen to yr advise. let it sit for a week.
let it sit few days, but too eager to restart it. lava forms up together again, but with lotsa bubbles. within and popping big ones. been turning on and off, bubbles wont go. haizzzzz...
your "if not all may be lost" sounds very scary. haha. mmm. when the lava is sitting down cold at the base, i can see the little "grains" in the lava. the liquid looks clear. Will listen to yr advise. will hide the lamp into my closet, this will resist my temptation to switch it on. Thanks Bohdan.

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