Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Has 'Lava' brand changed their formula? I bought a Yellow/pink lamp from Amazon because I liked the colour and it came with a little 25w G9 bulb. Apart from arriving a bit cloudy (it has cleared a bit up now) it seems to run great! Nice flow and it doesn't overheat quickly.

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Both of my lamps are Lava brand! Which lamp in particular did you get? It sounds super cool

It's the 14.5 inch black base and cap. Runs for ages without overheating. They have a cool volcano one I like, they also have a cool one called 'Cosmic Flow' on Amazon.

I have the fish base one and it also has a pretty good flow for extended periods. I do not always follow the 8-10 hour guideline but it maintains good flow for quite awhile. Mine is also slightly cloudy and the flow is not perfect but it was much better than I was expected based on what I had heard. It is my first one though so I do not really have a comparion.

I have some older one that overheat quickly and gather at the top, this one is good for about 6 hours before the goo forms into smaller balls. I think it might be the newer bulbs though. I have bought small Edison screw to G9 adapters for my Mathmos lamps. They might be too big for my cheeper lamps, but I'll try them.

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