Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Another one of my interests is and has been seriously all my life has been sound equipment. I have a pair of speakers (hpm60's for $10!) that have a thrift store tag indicating they were sold in 2000 and I was born in 95. They weren't even my first. So, yeah it's really been all my life and so have lava lamps (got my starship new in 98). Anyway, I thought it would be neat to see if anyone else is interested in this type of thing. Below is pic of my current setup (it's blurry because my phone is my only camera right now, I'll try to get abetter one soon).I have many more (than I really should) in other rooms. If anyone else likes this kind of thing, post pics!

For anyone interested in the specifics of my setup it is: video- epson lcd projector, projecting onto a sheet from behind. Audio-JBL L100t's and dcm image masters connected to a technics receiver for music. Bang and Olufsen Beovox m75's that I rotate with the dcm's. Then I have my surround sound system which is powered by a yamaha 7.1 receiver running as 5.1. The fronts are Cerwin Vega D7's, the center and rears are ElectroVoice sentry 100 monitors. The subwoofer in the middle is a JBL 4645c cinema subwoofer (driver is a 2242) powered by a behringer ep2500 amplifier bridged. The sub can be connected to either receiver, but it's best for movies, it shakes things off the shelves in the room. Then, if I really need a lot of sound, I have a pair of Peavey sp1x's connected to another ep2500. Right now the weak part of my system is definitely the amplifiers.

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Looks interesting - certainly a lot of subs and moniters but yea your right some more amps would give it the full power it needs. 

I am not a sound guy although I know enough to get by. My trade is entertainment lighting (technical manly) I studied it at school and unie and worked in the industry during my unie days - am on my own way of getting back into it. 

I don't know if you could afford it but I would suggest a DLP projector instead of the LCD ones - DLP is much more powerful, brighter, sharper espshly for back projection. 

Yeah, I love the deep black that dlp can display. I can't afford a dlp projector with a fast enough color wheel, or 3 chip dlp, to not get the rainbow effect. My whole setup was not expensive, I get all of my stuff through thrift stores/ yard sales (except for the jbl sub, I got that from a movie theater that closed). I also like crt projectors, and have a few, but they are high maintainence, at least in the condition mine are in. Hopefully 3 chip dlp will come down in price soon.

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