Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Last year, before I signed in this website, I used to be a normal person.

I had a couple of Mathmos Telstar, a Lavalite and one china lamp.

One year has passed:

and now I've got more than 20 lamps, and the glitters (I used to hate because I didn't know the good ones) are my favorite.

So, if you're a newbie here, you still have a chance to escape the curse: go away!

But if you stay there, prepare yourself to be an addict of the worst kind!

There is no methadone for or curse!

You've been warned :-)

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ya addicts for sure..... you should've seen the lady Lamphead slept with to get his imperial....  she got it brand new for her 70th birthday! hahahahaaa the things a goohead would do for a good lamp.

LampHead said:

Once you join you can never leave. This is actually a site for recovering addicts but we all encourage each other to stay hooked.

Welcome to goo club, the first rule of goo club is ........

I have been hear for over a year and have probably over 40 lamps, some I have before I joined but most I got after. Yea space is certanlty a problem thats why i am not buying much and also there are plently of lamps to refurb first.


Is there such a thing as 'TOO MANY' lamps?

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