Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I posted months ago about my Astro being cloudy when cold, now it seems to be getting worse, the fluid is becoming very milky looking even when warm now, I use it maybe 2 times a week and never have it on for more than 6 hours 8 at absolute max, but that is a rarity. I have just been on the Mathmos website and noticed that they no longer do this colour, which has made me wonder if it is a known problem? It is only just over a year old.

Been trying to get a pic, but the milkyness isn't showing up on my iphone cam :(

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Contacted Mathmos, all seems good, said they will send another colour combo of my choice, not turquoise though, they stopped making it because it wasn't popular apparently, shame I loved that colour :(

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