Has anyone else noticed new Mathmos bottles go cloudy really fast?

I just wanted to see if anyone else has noticed this? Or, if it’s just me.

Any newer clear liquid bottles seem to go cloudy only after a few runs for me with normal use. 

The clear/orange on the latest special fill for example, I've noticed it on clear black too. I'm sure they were crystal clear on arrival otherwise I would have noticed. 

I have older clear bottles liquid bottles and they are still very clear. 

Anyone else?

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    Shame yours have done the same, maybe this is the new sticky wax. I've never known a bottle to go cloudy.

    Glad yours cleared up, I'll give mine a bit longer I guess. 

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    jonny p

    I had special fills I haven't had no problem at all myself
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    It's the first time its happened to me to be fair, I've never known a new lamp to be cloudy. All of my others are crystal clear.

    jonny p said:

    I had special fills I haven't had no problem at all myself