
San Jose

United States

Profile Information:

Where I Live:
San Jose, California
My First Lava Lamp was:
My first lava lamp was a green midnight that i got when i was only 2 or 3. Sadly i threw it away when i first started collecting cause it wouldn't flow anymore and i didn't know the globe could be replaced and i could have kept the base and cap. Life is sad.....

Comment Wall:


    yes I know what it means...ha ha... sorry that is my sick humor... the wizard reminds me more of madonna's bra of the 80's if she were lying on her back of course....ha ha. More than once I have received the comment that the phallic nature of the lava lamp is why I like them so much.
  • Mark Goo

    top left corner. little envelope.
    i'm gonna go click mine and see what i got. :-)
  • Antstep

    Thanks, but to tell you the truth those are my only lamps except for a cool knock off glitter pumpkin and a wizard coming in the mail. I need to start buying more.
  • fog rider

    The Astro Consort is a very rare 1960's lamp. I've only ever seen 3 of them.
    I got this one from a fellow collector a couple of years ago.
    The "astral bands" are solid brass, and are fastened to the base with brass screws and spacers. The flat foot on the base is simply press fit into the aluminum cylinder.
  • Bumpkin

    how are you doing?

  • Modulo '70

    I love the Polar bear lamp
  • Antstep

    Thanks, i love it too! Its limited edition hand numbered on the back and since i love limited edition things it fits in two collections!