

Fort Wayne

United States

Profile Information:

Something Interesting About Me:
I have loved Lava Lamps since I was a kid.
Started collecting them in 2007.
Lamps that I want right now are: Colossus and 50th anniversary grande.
Where I Live:
My First Lava Lamp was:
My first Lava Lamp I dubed Slimer. It is a 20 oz Lava Lamp with blue liquid and yellow wax.
My Collection Includes this many Lava Lamps:
My Favorite Lava Lamp is:
My Grande. Both of them are my favorite to watch. I would trade all my smaller ones for more of them.

Comment Wall:

  • Mark Goo

    Hi Brian

    Welcome to Oozing Goo, The Lava Lamp Syndicate which has been the leading lava lamp website since 1997. We all excited since we have switched over to this "community" version of the site earlier this month.

    Now, every member can:

    - add your own photos
    - post your own blog entries
    - customize your profile page
    - talk lava lamps in the forum
    - join a group

    …and just hang out and meet great people.

    Welcome aboard,
    Mark Goo
  • Mark Goo

    Great Group Brian!
    You can add photos in this group too.
    You may want to search around Youtube to find some related videos and embed them here. Just an idea.

  • Kelly Flaskerud

    Thanks! It's good to be back! What a great upgrade...
  • Brian


    ok, how did you put that animated gif on your page? The old site you could put those as your avatar, and I made several, that I have attempted to post(well not since this site first opened)unsucessfully.

    Thanks! You reminded me that on old og, we copied and pasted html code from photobucket. (and it worked!) I think i was trying to upoad from my pc. Next is to figure out how to put a music player on here. Itunes has widgets, but it looks like it just tells what i like to listen to, not a player itself.
  • Roger Stenstrom

    How are you doing tonight. Just wanted to say hi.

  • JOSH

    sorry about the lamp brian
  • JOSH

    thanks brian!
  • JOSH

    Bumpkin seems really bumbed out?
  • Jennifer

    thanks so much for the tip...i'll give it a try
  • chad

    hey brian how is the new yellow doing? i was wondering if you could post a picture sometime of the 20oz chrome? thanks!
  • agentchillypig

  • goodude26

    Hi, Brian. How are you?
    I haven't heard from you in a while.
    I hope things have been going okay.

    Talk to you later,
  • goodude26

    Things are going ok here. Still trying to deal with my dad passing away back in December. But other than that things aren't so bad.

    I hope things go well for you. Tae Quon Do sounds fun. It is really good exercise isn't it?

    I'm glad you replied back to me. You are the only person so far who has talked to me here on OG. No one else that I know from here seems to be on anymore or something.
    I had pretty much lost my desire to be on OG anymore. I will stay now since you will talk to me. It is nice to hear from someone.

    Talk to you when you get the chance.

  • goodude26

    Wow, that had to be tough to do with your grandfather. I would have nightmares about that too and I don't even dream that often.
    I'm glad you're getting better though.

    It's good to hear you're doing so well with Taekwondo I know, I didn't spell it right. Keep it up.

    Talk to you later.

  • Bumpkin

    how are you doing? This is Bumpkin.
  • Bumpkin

    how are you friend?

  • Jen P.

    Hi Brian,

    I finally visited the off-topic forum today and saw you were looking for a Linden clock. Did you ever find it? I cannot see the photo anymore (the eBay listing is gone). If you want me to help hunt one for you, it would be quite helpful to see a photo. Let me know - I love to hunt things.
    Jen P.
  • goodude26

    Hi, Brian.
    I haven't heard from you in forever.
    How have you been lately?
    I hope you haven't fallen off the face of the earth. heeheh

  • Modulo '70

    Love your black Starship, welcome back Brian!
  • agentchillypig

    Thanks I am waiting for my bid to go through on the lava lamp phone.