


Profile Information:

Something Interesting About Me:
I'm a full time musician who loves reading and I'm a bit of proud science fiction nerd - or so my wife tells me!

I gig on keyboards with various Adelaide bands (mostly funky groovy stuff), arrange music for school ensembles, and work during the day as an author for a music publishing company.
Where I Live:
Adelaide Australia
My First Lava Lamp was:
I'd liked the idea of getting a lava lamp for a long time before being given a cheap green/blue Chinese "peace lamp" for a birthday present a couple of years ago. I've flogged the poor thing mercilessly ever since and it's still going strong.

Now I'm a big Mathmos fan and I'm slowly building the collection...
My first Mathmos lamp - a blue / green baby astro, was generously given to me by my next door neighbour :) too bad she didn't have a lunar as well ;)

Comment Wall:

  • Keith

    Welcome to Oozing Goo! There many helpful people here that are happy to answer any questions you may have. Great avatar photo btw! For those of us a little north of you, the Moon, Venus, Jupiter was quite a different perspective!
  • Modulo '70

    g'day buddie

    how's it down under?

    welcome to the land of goo. u can add friends here if you like.
  • Modulo '70

    Check out Bohdan's cool lamp below, i think they are aussie built lamps and really desireable. Mathmos is a great firm too and are based here in the uk. I own about 60 mathmos and crestworth lamps and love them all!!
  • Mark Goo

    I saw that celestial arrangement just the other night!
  • Keith

    Hello Rod,
    I checked out your webpage and I like what I see. However, my soundcard is not working right now and I can't listen;( I will have to get that taken care of soon.

    Yes, the universe is a great place, and I love the beauty of it's appearance and graceful mechanics. It is truly a gift from God.

    check out these photos that I found of the conjunction from our perspective.
  • Orbitz

    Thank you! I will try this when summer comes around, we actually have a thin layer of snow here today, so I'll have to wait a while. :-)
  • Gone For Good

    Hey Rod.

    Thanks for the kind comments. My collection is getting there. ALL of the lamps have been aquired from boot sales over a 2 year period. I once got 7 in one day ! The glitterball was found last year. The good thing about boot sales is that the lamps are genuine..and not "manipulated" by sellers..and they are pleased to get rid of them. There are a lot of cheap & nasty lamps at boot sales and the good ones tend to get lost in them. Ive had a few bad ones though. The blue/white astro was a liquid swap basically. I will try and post a few pics today. The white lava makes the blue liquid a "minty blue" which is very attractive.
  • Gone For Good

    Quote "Someone here suggested getting a clear/white and a blue/blue and swapping the fluids to get clear/blue and blue/white." Quote.

    Thats exactly what I did to achieve my blue/white, although I am far from happy with the white(clear fluid)/blue goo astro. It just does not look right, it's too dark. I am watching it flow now and it does not fill me with any joy. I am going to try and fade the goo in my greenhouse to try for sky blue never know it may work..although I am not holding my breath.

    I usually go to 3 boot sales a week..first one last weekend, but got nothing apart from very muddy feet. It's early in the year now, the real fun starts in june...up at 4.30am boot sale at 5am..walking for 4 to 5 hours then crumpling in a heap. I had a disaster last year with a fluidium fell out of my bag and liquid/green goo..i'd never seen one before..and boy did that annoy me !!!!. Luckily I now use reinforced bags ;).

    It always amazes me when people want rid of these items..and usually for such a small ammount of money. I have not spent over £10 on any lamp aquired...I can usually knock them down to £2-3..with my clever bargaining see I can always find something wrong with a lamp ;)

    Speak soon..and it's a pleasure to chat with you


  • Gone For Good

    Hey Rod

    No luck at boot sales on sunday, it's still a bit early though.

    I am currently fading my blue/white astro vase in the green house. I've had this bad toothache for a week now and it's getting me down a bit but money is so tight at the moment I am unable to get the thing fixed.
  • Gone For Good


    thanks for the comments about the teeth..

    Save your money on the Telstar lamp, I am sure I will be able to get one to you this year. The fluidium is a lamp I would STRONGLY recommend you buy as it is totally superb in everywhere. A true thing of beauty.
  • Gone For Good

    Hey Rod

    The tooth is better yipeee !

    I went to boot sales yesterday..nothing turned up although I saw a few cheapy lava lamps going at ridiculous prices.

    You are correct about the flock lamp..and I only paid £1.50 for amazing find last year..the best I have had. The vase was completely ruined, looking like a milky red/white mess and was lost. I have now a red/clear vase in it.

    I also got a white jetstream cover last year, although it was through pure chance that I got it. The seller had a lava lamp sitting next to it, and I didnt know about the cover until the seller pointed it out to me.

    I am looking forward to june/july this year, I am sure I am going to find a lunar this year..I have my fingers crossed.

    You take care


  • Gone For Good

    Hey Rod

    Things are ok here, hopefully the same there

    Hmmm an original blue/white astro..I don't think so. Mathmos did not sell this combination as a lamp..looks like the seller is pulling a fast one there, although anything is possible ;)

    I had no luck whatsoever last weekend with lamps, although it was very cloudy and the rain did fall on occasions. When the sun comes out and the "good weather people" sell their belongings, I will be there with bells on, as they say.

    Things are a little quiet on the forum at the moments, hopefully it will liven up shortly.

    Take care

  • Gone For Good

    Hi Rod

    The mysterious non flowing Astro issue has been solved. I switched bases. I had a spare one hanging around. Stroke of luck eh. I got the lamp for £2.50. I also passed on 2 other Mathmos products. One very sorry green/milky clear it was truly shocking to the eyes. Also passed on a orange/clear fluid astrobaby, c/w no lid. I have several speare lids, but this wasn't an issue. The vase was disgusting..truly awful. It looked like it has been in a wild west saloon and was used as a spitoon !. He also wanted £4 for it. If it wasn't for the possibility of contracting a rare disease I would have taken it. I offered £1 for it..the guy said no.

    I also saw well over a dozen "cheapy" style lamps.

    I am about 150 miles from Portsmouth so it's not too bad a run.

    The telstar has orange wax, it is not yellow (oh how I wish it was)

    I use Bohle cleaner to clean the glass of my bottles. It is superb in every way and also environmentally safe.

    For the bases I use good ole "Brasso" mixed with a dab of elbow grease. It has em smiling brightly in a jiffy.

    Take care Rod, stay in touch
  • Gone For Good

    Good luck with the astro auction.

    Sheesh Rod, I have just filtered the orange (non-flow lamp) twice, and by gad it is crystal clear. Quite an operation. Filtered it once..scrapped the inside of the empty bottle with a nylon the bottle..and nothing but murky cloudy orange/gold nasty looking stuff. Fired the lamp up..boy it was terrible..really cloudy. I let the lamp get hot until the lava was just starting to move..then switched the thing off..carefully emptied the bottle once again..while the wax was still warm..boy was that tricky ! Filtered the liquid a second time and hey presto it is CRYSTAL CLEAR. It is fabulous. Only thing is I spilt a small quantity of liquid so it's about an inch shy from full ! Unbelievable error on my part. I will top it up with some clear.

    it is a shame we missed each other on day we will catch up.

    Take care..

  • Bianca

    Thank for your message.Rod.I will plan to get my Astro down from the loft again during the year, I also have a red bulb for it that i purchased in mathmos in 2000, cant get coloured golf ball type bulbs any more?.
  • Gone For Good


    Congrats on your wins. I hope the cloudy lamp is not beyond recovery. The filter pump is good but it's really hard work to operate. Your muscles will get a tourough work out.

    I had no luck at boot sales last weekend. I saw, yet again, a lot of cheaper lamps but nothing good. It's a bank holiday weekend in England so I have sunday & monday boot sales to explore. Hopefully something will turn up.

    Take care mate


  • Clobb

    Its a small world eh ?
    Anyhooooo - which part of Adelaide do you live in ?

    I've found a shop sitting on a few astro baby / telstar globes
    Just the usual colours tho ... I've whittled 'em down to $50 each ;-)
    I'm off there tomorrow if you're after any ?
  • Clobb

    just the usual - blue/green - violet/red and possibly a violet/orange
    ... but as you're the master of the 'fade' ;-)

    anyhoooooo - the shop is on Anzac Highway - near Le Cornu
    You have to ASK = they're hidden in a termite ridden part of their warehouse ;-)

    Give me a call on 0402 850 846 if you want to meet me there ;-)
  • Bianca

    Thanks for my fluidim red bulb comment :) that bulb is a official mathmos bulb i got some years ago. coloured bulbs are becoming hard to get hold of, but i manage to purchase a red and blue globe bulbs from ryness electrical shop.
  • Jonny Magma

    I appreciate it. Can't wait for you to try the Goo first hand. I wouldn't run my lamps with anything else... Talk to you soon.

  • Pascal

    It´s an older bottle from ebay germany.
    This bottle is from who make some exhibitions for Mathmos.
    It´s an exhibition piece which ran once.