Young male from denmark. Currently employed as a IT Technichian in a larger danish company. Im 22 years old and live with my girlfriend in the middle of Jylland.
Where I Live:
Silkeborg, Jylland
My First Lava Lamp was:
I've since my first encounter with a lava lamp allways been very fascinated by them. The first time i saw one of these wonders, was when my brother got one for his birthday. I was only 8 or 9 years old back then. I later got my own because my brother got tired of me allways being in his room to watch the lamp !
har forresten 4 lamper jeg skal have solgt, måske det er noget for dig, de er alle Mathmos, 3 astrobaby og 1 telstar... fikser lige et billede når jeg kommer hjem...
Hello, I'm new here. recentlyI made alavalamp(withmineraloil).Butare greatthatyou do.Can you help melearn how to maketheselamps?What arethe ingredientsand procedures?Pleaseanswer me. Thanks you very much.
Ford Prefect - NPNG
Apr 12, 2011
Modulo '70
Apr 15, 2011
Jack Kolding
Hejsa :)
Fine lamper du har/ har haft... i min samling er der kommet lidt mere til ;)

Aug 5, 2011
Jack Kolding
Aug 5, 2011
Jack Kolding
Aug 5, 2011
Jack Kolding
Aug 5, 2011
Sep 16, 2011
Sep 16, 2011
Feb 13, 2012
Mr MaGoo
Feb 28, 2012
Temachtiany Arriaga Jiménez
Hello, I'm new here. recently I made a lava lamp (with mineral oil). But are great that you do. Can you help me learn how to make these lamps? What are the ingredients and procedures? Please answer me. Thanks you very much.
Jun 9, 2012
Aug 16, 2012
lava luva ~ Tiffany
Aug 17, 2012