



Profile Information:

Something Interesting About Me:
My english is terrible
Where I Live:
My First Lava Lamp was:
My Collection Includes this many Lava Lamps:
Astros, Astro-Babys, Telstars, Lunar, Crestworth Lamps
My Favorite Lava Lamp is:
Sconce, Princess

Comment Wall:

  • Modulo '70

    Welcome to Oozing Goo. Nice to have you here. There are some other great German lava enthusiasts on this site as well. You've a lovely collection of some great lamps.  AC

  • Modulo '70

    Thanks for the friend add. You really have some amazing Lunars.

  • Sonderling


    thx for the request :) ...and "frohes, neues jahr!!!"

    schöne grüße aus berlin. tobi

  • Calissa Frederick

    Thank you, I love this site. I love Lava Lamps

  • Jus

    Thanks for your invite, Christian!

  • Modulo '70

    Well done on your Snowflake score. Was that the very recent Ebay find? These are such nice lamps. So glad it went to a proper enthusiast!

  • Marcus

    Thank you for that- I'm going to look into it when I change my lunar's bottle :)
  • Tommy

    thorsten? :O

    aber nein habe nichts bekommen :>

  • VOXul

    Happy birthday Christian!

  • MrLavaLava

    sorry for the late reaction, my friend

    das nent man wohl tunnelblick, hab das eben erst gesehen mit den Anfragen (Alladin2Lava war der andere) , ist ja vor allen dingen auch schon ein paar Wochen her,

    freue mich natürlich, zumal Du ja für mich Don Stylo bist, the anodised Telstars are s-p-e-c-t-a-c-u-l-a-r und auch ansonsten hast Du den Bogen raus, wenn's darum geht deine Schätze in Szene zu setzen....

    Mathmos makes my day

  • VOXul

    Happy birthday, fellow Aries!

  • Roger Wadsworth

    Hi Christian, I will get some pics posted as soon as I have my lunar up and running. I just got one for £93 (yep really) but cone is rubbish and I don't know if it works yet, but at that price who cares!!!! I have just received today my Frank Douwenga replacement cone, and I have the limited edition Mathmos blue/blue bottle from last year, so if it all goes to plan it should look awesome.
  • Ricardo Spaan

    Hello christian i am looking for Some bottels for my lunar. Do you have some for sale?
  • fog rider

    Greetings from Alberta, Canada. You have a very nice collection of lamps! Best Regards.

  • andy ross

    happy birthday Christian!! enjoy your BBQ!