

United States

Profile Information:

Something Interesting About Me:
I like spiders and snakes
Where I Live:
My First Lava Lamp was:
Silver Wizard Purple Glitter 6633
My Collection Includes this many Lava Lamps:
My Favorite Lava Lamp is:
#13 Clear/Blue

Comment Wall:

  • Claude J

    Welcome to OG!

    I love Wizards too and customize themĀ 

  • VOXul

    Hi Russ! My apologies, I had completely forgotten about the notification from you about the Lumisource Plasma Glass power supply info! I will dig it up tonight and get you a photo of the power block if you are still in need of this info!

  • VOXul

    Excellent! I will get you the image ASAP tonight. You are looking for the Luminglass large plasma disc, correct?

  • VOXul

    So the power block I had kept with the lamp is apparently the wrong one. Thankfully my device had the plug spec on the casing. It is a 12v output, 1 amp positive pole. Here is a picture of the back of my disc. It is the large Luminglass, green, made by Can You Imagine. Hopefully this helps you out!

  • VOXul

    The more I think of it too, I had been using an universal adapter to power it a while back. That adapter has since been integrated into some other random item that needs power right now, haha!

  • VOXul

    Haha, that works! Once I can remember what I donated that cord to I can get the info of that plugs maker to you. I know I bought it on Amazon, let me check my purchase history.