
55, Male

Atlanta, GA

United States

Profile Information:

Something Interesting About Me:
Photographer, Light freakkkkkk !!!!!!!
My First Lava Lamp was:
!969 .... I still have it somewhere

Comment Wall:

  • Keith

    Greetings! Welcome to Oozing Goo!
  • Modulo '70

    Very warm and Lavery wishes to you from Oozing Goo - the lava lamp syndicate.

    Feel free the roam the site checking out pictures and adding friends who you may meet in the chat area or in the Discussions Forum. Feel free to start a lava related discussion (or even non-so) and to upload pictures of your lamps or even of yourself for your avatar! You can even upload video footage of your lamps if you like.

    Nice to have you here at Oozing Goo!
