
Stanhope, NJ

United States

Profile Information:

Something Interesting About Me:
Legal Professional, proud MINI owner, a long time fan of all disco lights ranging from the 1980s UFOs to the latest Martin moving head. Also if you couldn't tell from my user name, I'm a big fan of 1992 era UK dance music. Unfortunatly my vinyl collection has out grown my living space so collecting records is on holiday at the moment.
Where I Live:
I live in a very boring part of the world.
My First Lava Lamp was:
It was a blue and green one from Spencers ~1990. It got cloudy and gross 10 years later. I complained to the company, Lava Lite and they refused to repair it. I threw it away thinking it wasn't fixable. After reading this forum I wished that I didn't but who knew...

Comment Wall:

  • Keith

    Greetings! Welcome to Oozing Goo!
  • Modulo '70

    Thanks for joining Oozing Goo. Hope you love your visits here