Pierre Brazeau


Cornwall Ontario


Profile Information:

Something Interesting About Me:
Depend on whom you inquire, different discription will come into play. A cross between werewolf and vampire made me a welcome attraction to the people whom indulging in night life was the only thing that mattered,alas thank god for the good old days, because there old. Main distractions that help wash away the cares of the world and daily hussle and grind are: carving and sculpting of all sorts in all sorts of mediums,painting, drawing, building computers, constructing aquariums, glass blowing, telescope building,metal working; turning,sheet metal, machining,welding. Reading all kind of technical literature mostly, enjoying the company of loved ones,namely family and friends, tinkering of all kinds, playing chess, enjoying the engagement and company of as many women that will suffer me. Primarely anti-social and difficult to allow anyone too close that would make enemies out of potential long lasting friendships, I'm in possesion of two fumbling wet noodles. Using the attributes mother nature has loaned me, applying common sense to the best odds that are in my favor; two ears and mouth ensures me best chances for success. I don't bite much or at least not hard. Triage is the main force that helps me enjoy many things, some very little and other much more frequent, one of my goals is to balance that out evenly, time and pressure will prevail. Last but not least by any stretch of the imagination, delite, and gratitude towards this fine bunch of oozing-goers for granting me priviledge of being a member. Thanx a mucho,mucho bunch.
Where I Live:
One hour equi-distant to Ottawa and Montreal Quebec, 4 hours east of Toronto
My First Lava Lamp was:
Gorgeous Red, but like the ladies, one is never enough. Olympian stamina, she ran 24/7 for months on end. Physical attributes, mesmerizing form, alluringly sensual figure,searing ferrari red hot glow unequalled anywhere human eyes have gazed or could, bathed in water so clear that it complemented her glow perfectly. Her exquisitly combined attributes commanded respect granting me the understanding these things are meant to be enjoyed in moderation and eventually letting her go was my only way of preventing agonizing and excruciating permanent pain from her red glow. I will remember her for as long my memory will allow.
My Collection Includes this many Lava Lamps:
Lady Pink
My Favorite Lava Lamp is:
The One I'm currently agonizing on. Volcano Hottie.

Comment Wall:

  • kiramarie

    hi thanks for the comment..fiber optics are my lavas only competition..hehe

    I should Re Welcome you to the crew of Goo ... I see your full of spunk and personality.. fantastic addition to the site..Very glad to have you return..