
Profile Information:

Something Interesting About Me:
Hello, my name is Ava. I'm originally from London but I moved to the Netherlands last year to study my masters in design. I'm somewhat of a hoarder - my collection includes vintage menus, glass blown nicknacks and fridge magnets from my travels.

And, I make lava art!
Where I Live:
Eindhoven, Netherlands
My First Lava Lamp was:
I believe I was around 10 when my parents got me my first lava lamp in the 90s. The goo itself was a deep red and the liquid was aquamarine. It wasn't one of the original brands like Mathmos or anything but it didn't matter because it was still magic to me.
My Collection Includes this many Lava Lamps:
2 - It's not much I know, but I'm hoping it'll be the beginning of a beautiful collection!
My Favorite Lava Lamp is:
Aladdin Lava Lite in green and blue or the Alien lava lamp!

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