Samantha Gregory


Tucson, AZ

United States

Profile Information:

Something Interesting About Me:
I collect lava lamps, folding fans, and Furbys. I also have Aspergers syndrome.
Where I Live:
Tucson, Arizona
My First Lava Lamp was:
Can't remember I always got one for Christmas but they disappeared on me but now I am collecting any and all.
My Collection Includes this many Lava Lamps:
four lava lamps three glitter lamps and a miscellaneous other lava lite lamps
My Favorite Lava Lamp is:
I just bought a 80s lamp for five dollars

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  • Metallica Man Trevor

    Welcome to OG!!!

  • Morph Paul

    Thanx for that Samantha I will keep a look out. BTW what kind of prices do people pay for hand made lamps?

  • Morph Paul

    Cheers. I can't believe the prices some collectors pay for grande size lamps. I might have a go at going LARGE!