
42, Male

Lake Worth, FL

United States

Profile Information:

Something Interesting About Me:
I am just a guy livin the life here in Florida. My love of lava started with a love for Spencer Gift's. I would always blow all my money there, collecting anything that was novel and lit up in some way. I stopped collecting lava lamps a while ago, but have gotten the itch again- apparently at the wrong time, as I am discovering the poor quality of the current U.S. lamps that you all speak of here on the site and don't even get me started on what the older ones (90's) are going for on ebay, I can't believe it. I am so glad there are others out there like me with a love for the greatest lamps ever invented. Thank God for this site, I should have joined in 1997.
Where I Live:
West Boynton Beach
My First Lava Lamp was:
Very early 90's midnight white lava- blue liquid. 2nd, acquired on that same date, later in the day was a 1976 Gold Aristocrat Red/Yellow.

I recently found a July, 1981 model 205 (Sun Gold Lava I believe) on ebay, it was made the same month I was born- so it is now my most cherished lamp.

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  • Keith

    Greetings! White lava-blue liquid is a favorite of mine! (But then again, so are so many others)
  • matt

  • Mark Goo

    Happy Birthday!