
63, Male

Lillington, NC

United States

Profile Information:

Something Interesting About Me:
I'm a hopeless tinkerer. Seems I can't buy anything without taking it apart to see what makes it tick. Fortunately, I never did that with my lamps. Unfortunately, one of my two matching Enchantress lamps was recently shaken. That led me here to see what could be done. Haven't found a fix yet, but I've made quite a few new friends. All is not lost after all!

I started out life as a mad scientist. I discovered flying model rockets in the late 60's as an 8 year old. I was always interested in space flight. I clearly remember watching the Gemini flights on TV. How many of you can say you saw the first moon landing live? How could you avoid it during that period. It dominated the TV due to the space race. Those days appear to be gone forever now that NASA has been delegated to weather watching with this phony global warming scam. It's nothing but a way to tax us into oblivion with carbon credits. Any questions...go to Check out Alex Jones and see what our illustrious government is really up to. I promise you won't see it on the 6 o'clock news.

Back to the story. I graduated to experimenting with high power rocketry in my adult years. I still love it but have neither the space nor the money to enjoy it as much as I would like.

I played guitar in a top 40 band for a while and actually attended Berklee College of Music in Boston for a semester. I didn't graduate but it was fun and I wonder if it was my calling anyway.

The college I graduated from is East Carolina University in Greenville, NC. I have a BS degree in Industrial Technology and received it in 1987; the same year I bought my first lava lamp.

Unfortunately, I was recently subjected to a layoff. My most recent employment was with ITT, Systems Division at Ft. Bragg, NC. I worked with Force Modernization, outfitting troops mobilizing to theater. Previous to that I worked in an arms room as both the shipping administrator (guess you could call me a government sponsored gun runner LOL!) and an engineer tech, repairing a large variety of small arms. I recently sat in on a class and received a teaching/operation certification for the Javelin missile system. A very KOOOOL weapon indeed!

I drive a 2009 Mustang GT in Vista blue with a glass roof. It's a wonderful car, but also a money pit! Gotta love a V-8. I've seen some of you posting about your autos here and I'm glad to be in the ranks of the gearheads. We're a quarky bunch with a real need for speed. Need I say more?

Thanks for stopping by to take a look at my profile. I hope to hear from you all in the future. I am sure we have so much knowledge to share. This is a wonderful site and I thank those of you who extended a welcome hand when I first signed up on the Goo.

Peace. Love. and may God save the Republic before it's too late. Remember.. The answer to 1984 is 1776.
Where I Live:
Eastover, NC in a little house built about 80 years ago. Drafty, yet enchanted.
My First Lava Lamp was:
My first lava lamp is the one pictured as my avatar. It's an Enchantress model 8103 manufactued in 1987. The box says blue/white but it's actually aqua/yellowish. I bought it at Spencer's with another exactly like it. One was recently trashed which led me to explore how to repair it. I found it wasn't as easy as I thought. I'm on a quest to get another to make my pair once again match. Any leads?? My first experience with lava was with my best friend when he received an amber/red Century for Christmas. We sat mesmerized for days it seemed. Under the influence? You Betcha! LOL

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