

South Coast, UK

United Kingdom

Profile Information:

Something Interesting About Me:
Profile under construction :-)
Where I Live:
East Sussex UK
My First Lava Lamp was:
Mathmos Telstar
My Favorite Lava Lamp is:
Mathmos Lunar

Comment Wall:

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  • Pascal

    Thank you for your lovely comment.
    Greetings from germany.
  • Jessica Baird

    Thanks glad to be a member!
  • Paul

    Hi Lava head uk,

    I don’t mind at all, if I can be any help to you.

    I have one of the first 100, ( number nine ). It seems that the first batch of these lamps ( no idea how many in a batch) have numerous faults.

    I’ve seen on the facebook group that lamp after lamp of the first 100 were scratched, scuffed and quite literally poorly put together mine was ok in that respect .

    Almost all of the lamps, mine included have the famous wobbly legs. Although when the bottle is sitting in the lamp it’s fairly stable, but can make getting the bottle to sit straight, tricky