Miss Chi V. Us (Kim S)


Houston, TX

United States

Profile Information:

Something Interesting About Me:
I am a pool player...I am completely addicted to pool...and lava lamps. I placed 9th in Women's Singles 8 Ball at the World Championships in Vegas this summer. I want to start trying goo kits and I REALLY want to make some metallic lava.
Where I Live:
Houston, TX
My First Lava Lamp was:
I bought a Midnight in Purple/Clear in the 80's at Spencers. My Wizard Purple Glitter Lamp was my 2nd lava lamp. Next was my first plasma ball (a hundred bucks back then...lol) Then, my Lava Wave Machine...MAN I LOVED my wave machine! One night, at a party at my place, a friend accidentally broke it...I think I was about 22. I threw away the base... I sure wish I had that base now!
My Collection Includes this many Lava Lamps:
12 or so lava brand, 2 glitter lava brand, Link'd lava lamp, a small Pyramid + tons of other fun toys like plasma balls and unique items like "Liquid Space" that I bought on clearance at Spencers in the 80's
My Favorite Lava Lamp is:
My purple Wizard Glitter lamp.

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  • Jus

    Thanks for your invite! I can tell by the way you wield that stick, yer a serious motor scooter!  Love it!

  • Jus

    LOL...I swear I wrote that BEFORE I read your bio

  • VOXul

    Why thank you for the warm welcome!