Blue/Blue Brendan




Profile Information:

Something Interesting About Me:
My strongest passion is for Thunderstorms, lightning and tornadoes! Just thought I'd start with that Lol.
Anyways, I've always had a strong interest for lava lamps ever since I was young. I was always amazed by the colors and their movements. They are very relaxing and chill which is another reason I enjoy them so much. My favorite color is Blue so Blue Lamps will always be a favorite of mine.
Where I Live:
Ontario, Canada
My First Lava Lamp was:
Motion Hope, Blue Liquid, White Lava
I got it when I was younger but it broke years down the road and I no longer have it.
My Collection Includes this many Lava Lamps:
My Favorite Lava Lamp is:
Mathmos Astro Blue Liquid/Blue Lava
Mathmos Astro Blue Liquid/Red Lava

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