Jonas Clark-Elliott



United States

Profile Information:

Something Interesting About Me:
Lava lamps are only a fraction of my collecting hobbies. My others are no less unusual, and likeky more so, including but not limited to smoking pipes, Geissler tubes and other scientific glassware, clocks, door chimes, rain lamps, fiber optic lamps, vintage lighting fixtures, tiki torches, and vintage ceiling fans. I tend to have a poor short-term memory at times, so if we agree to a sale or trade, email and badger me frequently or I will forget quickly. My email address is
Where I Live:
Seattle area

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  • Steampunk Steele

    Hey Jonas,I saw your page on oil rain lamps,I am very impressed on how much you know about them. It says in your bio you really dont collect them as much anymore. May i ask you why you stopped collecting them and how many you ended collecting?. Do you think the value will keep going up on these?. Thanks again Steampunk Steele

  • Modulo '70

    Hi Jonas. You are one of the most knowledgable people on this site and a great contributor through all the ups and downs and changes in 'personnel' this site has experienced. I recently picked a lovely white crackle effect Italian rain lamp at a boot fair for a steal of 10 of our British pounds!
  • Chris69

    Hello Jonas,

    I'm french

    I just discovered the boiler lamp.
    I love it !!!!
    I'm looking for the next model.
    Have you already seen it ?
    Do you think it is available ?
    Do you have any information about the company MUC (address, name of the owner etc...)

    Thank you for your precious help