I live with my brother in a 3 bedroom, one bathroom brick house in College park Maryland USA.
I am a chemist by training and education, but changed my career in 2005 when my lab filed chapter 11.
So now I am an engeneer :)
I am a child of the 60's, still have my first lava lamp, purchased in the mid 70's :)
Where I Live:
Maryland USA
My First Lava Lamp was:
I bought my first lava lamp in the mid 70's. They were much better made back then, heavy base with little ventalation holes, thick metal. It is light blue liquid with white lava and still works and looks great :)
I also ordered the aqua blue too, but it wont be florecent. that would be the dif i THINK. I think thats a good idea, I was told that mcormic foodcloring works good if thats any help. I cant wait to see the pics. GL bro
Feb 8, 2011
Don Souliere
Mar 2, 2011