

Villas, NJ

United States

Profile Information:

Something Interesting About Me:
Humm, well, I am a big time animal lover!!! I own 5 dogs and used to work at a pet nutrition center in cape may, nj. I just turned 50 years old in april, am married and have 2 grown children. I just luv special lightening so the lava has always been fascinating to me!!!
Where I Live:
Cape May, NJ
My First Lava Lamp was:
Well, I bought one for my daughter when she was 8 years old, and she will be 20 in September. I came to find out she was throwing it away because she said it didn't work. I bought it a new bulb and voila!! My hubbie just bought me a Neon purple because I wanted one to call my very own!!
My Collection Includes this many Lava Lamps:
My Favorite Lava Lamp is:
Hard to say. I luv my old girl, but my new neon purple also has a personality all her own!!!

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  • VOXul

    HAH, it looks cool but unfortunately I can't comment on seeing the live show.

  • Critter

    Thank you Carol!
  • Keith

    Featured huh?  Well good on ya!  It's about time!!