Christian Fletcher



United Kingdom

Profile Information:

Something Interesting About Me:
Hi my name is Chris. Other things Im into apart from Lava lamps are Lasers, other kinetic lighting and sci fi shows. I dont Know if you American guys get Doctor Who on tv? but I am a huge fan. I also own a full size Dalek I call Eric. I have 2 cats and keep Koi carp. I am also a member of the Roller coaster club of Great Britain. Oh and yes I am mad.
Where I Live:
Nottinghamshire. Where Robin Hood once lived.

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  • Modulo '70

    Hi Christian,

    I saw a survey on Dr Who today and it said the most popular Doctor was Colin Baker! I'm sure it should have read Tom Baker!

    It made me laugh.
  • Modulo '70

    Fab posting above, i'm in love with Crestworth products too.
  • Modulo '70

    Check out my pics for the Daleks overlooking the vanquished Telstars.

    Thx for the friend add.