Joey "Dirtypawz"

46, Male

Arvada, CO

United States

Profile Information:

Something Interesting About Me:
Lava lamp restore rebuild refurbish collector Also a home and car audio enthusiast !!!
Where I Live:
My First Lava Lamp was:
A pink fluid pink lava midnight edition lamp !! Still kicking ass to this day faded a bit but kicking still along with the 51 others !!
My Collection Includes this many Lava Lamps:
80+ I kinda lost count !
My Favorite Lava Lamp is:
A custom build my actual first attempt at making a lava lamp i took a cloudy 52oz and refilled it with two 32oz blue and white globes also added the second spring first attempt with the level i guessed best flowing lamp i have !! But they all are my favorite !

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  • Claude J

    Sorry, Joe,it's not for sale as of yet.

    I'm sending it in for bodywork to remove the dents and have it painted brilliant white today (if weather permits)

    Table bracket is on its way.

    I plan on it being the centerpiece of the 60's/Lava lamp collection room.

    It will be sitting right between two white leather Arnie Jacobson egg chairs

    I;m still interested in the midnight collection (When i have spending $ again),.

  • Chow

    I have sent a friend request. Let me know what youre looking for.

  • Christian

    Hi Joey Dirtypawz Huck, what is your question now? My english is not the best, sorry!