
36, Male

Chicago, IL

United States

Profile Information:

Something Interesting About Me:
Not too much to tell. Been a member of this site for many years and I'm always drawn back after being away for a while. :D
Where I Live:
My First Lava Lamp was:
It was a midnight and I got it Christmas of 1998 when I was 10. It had blue liquid and yellow lava and I dropped it and it shattered :( but that one started it all. Then after that I went to Spencers and bought a Midnight Blue white which I still have and then put it away until 2003 when I got into lava again.
My Collection Includes this many Lava Lamps:
Mostly 1990 Midnights, Silver Streaks, Electrics, and Classic 32oz lava. Some Midnight Centuries, Silver Centuries, and Aristorcats
My Favorite Lava Lamp is:
The Midnight Lava Lite Lamp

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  • Mark Goo

    Hi Matt - I had one at one time, but don't have the R/B anymore.  Sorry.

    How long did they make them?

  • Jim

    Yea - sorry about that Matt.  I shot back over a response.  :-)

  • Jim

    Not yet Matt - I am in the midst of hell week and won't be able to dig around until the weekend.