Free Bird


Ponca City, OK

United States

Profile Information:

Something Interesting About Me:
Returning to my hippie days. Tye dye, beaded curtins, black lights, incense, psychedelic rock, and most everything that implies. lol Thought it was time to add back in Lava Lamp(s), I already have a glitter lamp. I also ride my own Harley Davidson Ultra Classic, love to tour the country and have been to about 30 states.
Where I Live:
My First Lava Lamp was:
It's a designer premier Lava Lamp. 16.3" 52oz green lava, "clear" liquid. Received the lamp yesterday in the mail and yes it's as cloudy as they come. :( I've not turned it on, haven't even put it together. All I've done this far is take it out of the box.
My Collection Includes this many Lava Lamps:

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  • TomK

    Welcome Free Bird! I am also a newbie just starting to find my way around. I want to warn you about one member here who is a fraud...Sylvia's Page. I received a friend invite too and a message to email her concerning something very important which turned out to be a big scam. Be careful.

  • lava luva ~ Tiffany

    hi! im so glad you got your neon fixed :D

  • Modulo '70

    You're most welcome. Thank you for the compliment.

