I bought a clear red Century at a thrift store in Philly in the summer of 99 while visiting cool friends. I thought it to be cool. I think I'm cool! The logic followed. I reluctantly threw it up in the attic when I got home due to wifey's raised eyebrow. Apparently I am the only one who shares in my cool theory! I forgot about it until we moved into our new home that I re-built. My wife dusted it off and placed it in our bedroom (w00t, meow, woof)! I wanted to find a mate for this cool lamp (I collect pairs, this is my disease). Wife-aroni came around to my cool way of thinking and decided this Century to be cool too! I got the green light to find another clear red Century (mistake). I discovered ebay (bigger mistake). Discovered the “goo” (good). Met smart nice people (also good). Discovered a plethora of different lamps (bad)! I spent a shit load of money (way bad) because I have to have 2 of everything vintage (really $%@*&$ bad)! Now, I have 100+ lamps! Please, make me stop! Help me! Please? That’s my story...DOC
Project Parks
Jan 22, 2009
What's up you handsome pup?
Happy New Year!
Jan 3, 2011
We Do, We Do!
Jan 27, 2011