Doc Lava Roc

Profile Information:

Something Interesting About Me:
Tall, Bald and loves the lava!
My First Lava Lamp was:
I bought a clear red Century at a thrift store in Philly in the summer of 99 while visiting cool friends. I thought it to be cool. I think I'm cool! The logic followed. I reluctantly threw it up in the attic when I got home due to wifey's raised eyebrow. Apparently I am the only one who shares in my cool theory! I forgot about it until we moved into our new home that I re-built. My wife dusted it off and placed it in our bedroom (w00t, meow, woof)! I wanted to find a mate for this cool lamp (I collect pairs, this is my disease). Wife-aroni came around to my cool way of thinking and decided this Century to be cool too! I got the green light to find another clear red Century (mistake). I discovered ebay (bigger mistake). Discovered the “goo” (good). Met smart nice people (also good). Discovered a plethora of different lamps (bad)! I spent a shit load of money (way bad) because I have to have 2 of everything vintage (really $%@*&$ bad)! Now, I have 100+ lamps! Please, make me stop! Help me! Please? That’s my story...DOC

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  • Project Parks

    Nice lava lamps
  • WeeboTech

    What's up you handsome pup?

    Happy New Year!

  • WeeboTech

    Who Loves Ya Baby?
    We Do, We Do!