Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

New color combo at Spencer's - Green/Black

52oz. $20. First run. The glass is HORRIBLE, though you can't see it in this pic. Full of light pinholes, a few smears, etc. The glass is pretty awful. Also, as you can see, the color combo on the box does not equal the color in real life. If I can take a decent pic of this lamp, why can't Lava Lite?! Sheesh.

I really do like the color combo though. More updates as I get in more runs.

Also, a black base would have been preferred for this combo. I'll be drilling and painting this one.

In case my other photos get buried with more comments, here's what the lamp REALLY looks like when running in a dark room:

Views: 481


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Comment by Erin on September 5, 2013 at 9:38pm

And to be fair, this picture that I took makes the lamp look way better than it is. 

Here's what it looks like taken with the lights off, with my iPhone 5. More accurate. 


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