Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Michael Lunn's Comments

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At 11:26am on March 28, 2009, Daniele said…
so...? you prefer to drop it?
At 8:15am on March 27, 2009, Daniele said…
Well thanx.
then all those sellers probably lied to p.o.
If you feel to, then I'm ready to buy. Plus I don0t see the reason for which they shouldn't send...
At 4:33am on March 27, 2009, Daniele said…
I was speaking about normal 52oz lamps being sent to me.
I don't know if they lied about contents, I do know that on the label of the box it was written"lava lamp".
Anyway If it's such a problem, it's ok to drop it.
Uh and the shipping costed $43.00.
At 3:57am on March 26, 2009, Daniele said…
$40 I paid for a normal lamp with usps.
with a lot of bubble wrap and crumpled paper it shopuld arrive safely.
At 2:12pm on March 25, 2009, Daniele said…
hi Michael.
I do know they ship liquids overseas , I've got many lamps sent. The problem is that declaring it as a gift is not enough to save on custom taxes, on personal experience I know that up to ca. $50 of declared value I don't pay taxes, above that, even though marked as gift, I do pay pretty relevant costs.
At 6:55am on March 25, 2009, Daniele said…
Very very nice of you to do this.
Though, you're referring to the first price of $200 or the second of $300??
Plus, could you guess how much would the shipment to Italy cost??
At 11:38am on March 14, 2009, Modulo '70 said…
Oh you're welocme michael, and a very belated happy new year too!
At 5:59am on February 17, 2009, Daniele said…
Ah ok. I didn't understand it was NIB.
What do you mean by "it has to be recharged" hoe it can be done.
I know about the ebay for $450, but I fear he didn't sell it...
Anyway I can't afford more than $300 for the NIB, consider that I'll have to pay around $60 for shipment.
At 2:52pm on February 16, 2009, Daniele said…
At 3:28am on February 9, 2009, Daniele said…
I want your grande if u still didn't sell it.
At 8:36pm on November 1, 2008, Modulo '70 said…
Welcome to the Goo!


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