Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Jonas Clark-Elliott's Comments

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At 12:10pm on March 19, 2023, Chris69 said…

Hello Jonas,

I'm french

I just discovered the boiler lamp.
I love it !!!!
I'm looking for the next model.
Have you already seen it ?
Do you think it is available ?
Do you have any information about the company MUC (address, name of the owner etc...)

Thank you for your precious help

At 11:31am on October 9, 2014, Modulo '70 said…
Hi Jonas. You are one of the most knowledgable people on this site and a great contributor through all the ups and downs and changes in 'personnel' this site has experienced. I recently picked a lovely white crackle effect Italian rain lamp at a boot fair for a steal of 10 of our British pounds!
At 11:45pm on July 12, 2014, Steampunk Steele said…

Hey Jonas,I saw your page on oil rain lamps,I am very impressed on how much you know about them. It says in your bio you really dont collect them as much anymore. May i ask you why you stopped collecting them and how many you ended collecting?. Do you think the value will keep going up on these?. Thanks again Steampunk Steele

At 9:37am on April 17, 2014, CrestworthLimited said…

At 7:05pm on January 31, 2014, Adam said…

Thank you for the comments.  I had to laugh when I first took the Laff light apart because instead of that thin black and transparent inner sheet of plastic, it had a stapled cardboard cutout.

At 12:30pm on May 16, 2013, Erin said…

Jonas - check your PM - you now have editing rights in the Lava Library. I can set up some pages for you, if you want! :)

At 11:06am on May 17, 2012, kiramarie said…

Jonas.. I cant make out from the Fantasia photo list what the my lamp with the neon rings is called... can you help??

At 8:47am on March 23, 2012, Dr. WHAT?! said…

Thats exactly what it is, it didn't come with a bulb so I have to track one down, but its pretty cool looking. I've seen other pics in google light up and its wicked looking.

At 7:56pm on March 20, 2012, Dr. WHAT?! said…

Hey Jonas, I know you like collecting clocks too do you know anything about this? I just won it on ebay. Its like a glitter lamp / clock. I've found pictures online but nothing about where its made etc. http://www.ebay.com/itm/160761741227?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1497.l2649

At 8:55am on March 16, 2012, Louis D. Vieux said…

the base is metal. would the cap be plastic ?

At 4:55pm on September 29, 2011, Jessica Ribeiro said…
"Hi! I am casting for the TLC series "My Collection Obsession" and it was suggested that I speak with you. Check out the casting call I posted and let me know if you are interested,"
At 12:32am on November 28, 2010, Kris said…
What Fantasia info? I have not done anything in regards to that. I do still buy them though.
At 4:25pm on November 20, 2010, Erin said…
More than willing to ship to you for free. :) Just PM me your address and I'll send it out!
At 8:05am on November 18, 2010, Erin said…
Jonas, I still have that cord and socket from the French glitter I switched over. Let me know if you'd be interested in it, otherwise it's going in the trash! :)
At 11:31am on August 9, 2010, Dawn said…
Hey I noticed you collect rain lamps Where are you finding them and what do you pay ?Thank You , Dawn
At 9:07am on February 1, 2010, Nancy said…
Thank you I have 2 other squiggles the thing that I found strange it says use only 30R 20 reflector bulb and has a number 8-40250on the inside top and none of my 40w work I did think lava used that type of bulb .
At 10:49am on October 4, 2009, Kris said…
Thought I would let you know that I have found some new Fantasia info. The new info reveals that there is a total of 6 different heat sprays. There are also 30 different lamps, not including lamps that are the same but different colors (gold/silver/black).
At 5:56pm on July 13, 2009, Jeff Goo said…
Hey Jonas,

Hows life treating you? I can honestly say that my collection has evolved. I don't buy much but the things I have bought are a couple of Comets, a triple Florence glitter lamp.. you stuff nice unusual stuff.

I know everytime the Comic-Con happens down here.. I think of your visit and us talking about lava lamps. I still enjoy that rochure book and drawing you did.

Great to hear from you Jonas..



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