Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Jonny Magma's Comments

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At 10:10pm on August 2, 2013, Jeff Meyers said…

Hey Jonny. Don't know if it was you I talked to a few weeks back, but who ever it was I talked to on phone was telling that there are 10 new colors on the way, and that a black was being worked on. Any chance of an update as to where your at. Know your all busy with all the updates. Just placed an order for more stuff.

At 8:06am on January 5, 2012, Lloyd said…

you got some wicked pictures!!

At 11:02pm on September 5, 2011, Brett Messervy said…

Hi Jonny. A quick question about coloring the goo. I have all these unsightly red specks that look like dirt floating in the goo. I used an orange dye and the colour came out great but for all the speckly bits. Could this be a bad batch of orange dye??

Any thought as to what has gone wrong?

Cheers Brett

At 2:32pm on December 1, 2009, Kaia1165 said…
Hi Jonny, yes its on a dimmer. have tried it on all kinds of settings and with different coils, an original lunar coil (brand new), and a smaller astro coil, and also both. Seems to run the same whatever i use and whatever setting i have it on, but the hotter it is, all the blobs just sit at the top. i have turned the dimmer right down to about 20% (20w) and still runs bad. :(. very disappointed-have not even bothered to make up the other 2 batches yet. thanks Tony
At 4:34am on November 28, 2009, Kaia1165 said…
Hi Jonny, did my first goo refill on a lunar yesterday using the orange blacklight dye. the wax seems to be seperating into loads of tiny balls and blobs instead of stretching. i tried to add more surfactant but made no difference. Also when it cools down after using it doesn't settle as it should at the bottom of the bottle, it just sits in a mound-it seems like it is cooling and setting hard before it has a chance to fall to the bottom, any ideas? thanks Tony
At 6:36am on November 26, 2009, Luka Bibic said…
Hello Jonny Magma, it is nice to be in oozinggoo community.
At 4:08pm on November 19, 2009, babyz65 said…
Thank You, what would our world be without the beauty of lava. I plan to learn alot.........Babyz
At 2:17pm on November 19, 2009, Jennifer said…
The white lava is so pretty-I like it the best!
At 2:09pm on November 19, 2009, Jennifer said…
I'm not so sure you're in the market to give any advice, but I have been trying to make a pea green wax for about a year now. I can't seem to get a pure green. There is always a red glow. Any way your goo kit could be tweeked to do a green with more yellow in it? I'm not too sure how the kits work. Is the buyer of the kit in charge of mixing the colors?
At 1:07pm on November 7, 2009, krissyfromswindon said…
i am interested in a magma tower, what sizes and prices are they. regards krissy
At 3:31pm on October 23, 2009, Kaia1165 said…
Hi Jonny, haven't picked the kits up yet-I'm going to Orlando on 28th, so I'll let you know. thanks Tony
At 2:45pm on September 22, 2009, john said…
hi are they glass or plastic tubes you use and i heard that they run there own heat coil.
At 1:21pm on September 19, 2009, Hippie Throw-Back said…
At 3:37pm on September 16, 2009, thomas chambers said…
Cant wait for the new lamps to hit the stores i have to have one lol.
At 11:28pm on July 29, 2009, Reszound said…
Can't wait for your new lava lamp to hit the stores. You've probably heard this 1000 times before but if not, how bout a dial control that you can manually adjust to phase through the colour spectrum with? Then you can set it on whatever colour takes your fancy at the time and change it whenever you like :)
At 1:39am on July 7, 2009, Reszound said…
Hey Jonny, thanks for the info on the blacklight - one last question, is the blacklight a bulb that you put in the lamp or is it a room light source? I'd love to get something like this happening at home, it looks amazing!
Cheers Rod
At 3:34am on June 29, 2009, Carmen said…
Hey Jonny,
I would love to post pictures. Only thing they do not do the lamp any justice. I is more BEAUTIFUL in person. Seems on the photo I can't get the lighting right for the picture.
At 11:02pm on June 11, 2009, mark said…
Yeah, I guess you could say that it lasts a lifetime given the fact that how long the lava brand goo lasts. I like the flow alot better than the traditional lava goo as well.
At 10:36am on June 8, 2009, Turkishcoffee said…
Those magma towers are sweet! Do you make the clear cylinder out of plexiglass? I would imagine actual glass would be quite heavy?


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