Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Claude J's Comments

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At 2:22pm on March 19, 2022, Barry Kilborn said…

Hi Claude.  Many thanks for the welcome.   Excited to be a part of this community.  All the best!   Barry 


At 2:12pm on March 11, 2022, Paul said…

Claude, thank you. Is there any known way to to narrow down the year based on the Issue no. printed on the sticker? 

At 11:08pm on March 1, 2022, Vashell said…

Thanks so much for the welcome appreciate you.

At 10:22pm on February 9, 2022, Duane K said…
I got your messsage, couldn't quickly figure out how to direct reply here. Yeah we can discuss larger quantities. I'm busy for a few days, but we can talk more soon
At 8:41am on February 4, 2022, Jake said…


At 5:57pm on February 3, 2022, NadeMagnet said…

Thanks. And thanks for the help you gave me a while ago on my color changing lamps. I can't remember if I thanked you before. Here's how they turned out. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MbNXmr9hdnk

At 11:23am on January 26, 2022, Robin said…

Thank you, Claude.

At 6:56am on January 15, 2022, Martin Hundhausen said…

Thank you

At 1:34pm on January 14, 2022, Tom Bracken said…

Thanks Claude,

What I need to find out, is where to purchase a Goo-Kit . Magma Tower is closed down in terms of being able to order anything online, from them, due to Cov19.

I have a large "Grand" 26 inch lava lamp that I want to refurbish with new wax.

I think a nice Neon Color would be what to put inside of it, for "Goo".

I collect Lava lamps , and at one point was up to about 10 or 12 of them.

I now have 2 "Grands",  and some smaller normal size ones, that I run.

A tip for you, for running or operating a Grand, is to take the box it is in, and insulate

the box with yellow or pink fiber glass insulation.  You can then at the end of the day

switch off the "Grand" lava lamp, and remove the bottle and put it into this insulated

cardboard container , overnight.  The next day, "Start up" will only take maybe 15 or 20

minutes of time, and not the full 6 or 8 hours from room temp, to get the wax flowing.

Thanks for your help , on this , and any other information you would like to share with

me about your own experiences using and owning Lava lamps!



At 11:56am on December 4, 2021, Chuck said…
Where is the best source for refill kits?
At 11:43am on December 4, 2021, Chuck said…

Thanks, but how do I see your profile

At 1:51am on December 4, 2021, Medicspinzzz said…


At 11:03am on December 3, 2021, Chuck said…
Thanks,got any pics of your collection
At 12:59pm on November 16, 2021, Darren sykes said…

Thank you Claude!

At 11:27am on November 16, 2021, T Spencer said…

Thank you Claude!

At 12:07am on October 18, 2021, Petrof Magician said…

Thanks a lot Claude!

At 5:56pm on October 8, 2021, John Dunderbeck said…


At 10:56am on October 4, 2021, MB said…

Thank you Claude!

At 2:56pm on October 3, 2021, brittany16950@gmail.com said…

Thank you Claude!

At 12:49pm on August 17, 2021, Laurie said…
I'm new to this group


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