Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

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Comment by Carol on October 30, 2014 at 12:05pm

ahhhaaa, so it is more of a "decal" then an actual paint job.........I was gonna say something is weird, because the swirls feel so super smooth!!!  When something is handpainted it has a tendency to have a courser feel to it.  Not super smooth like it is a decal.  It's way better then a shrink wrapped base of today though!!!

Comment by VOXul on October 29, 2014 at 10:50am

Yes, the days of Twirl-O-Paint were had many times with me.  That thing was awesome!

The basis of hydro dipping is that you start with a base activator, lay an acetate type sheet of film on top and then spray an activator agent over the floating sheet. This creates an almost oil/water effect to the film causing it to be almost liquified but separate from the base fluid. as you dip the object it breaks this oil/water barrier and causes the film sheet to adhere to a solid object like those old water decals for car models but more scientificlyish. Here is a full report from a better phrased source.

Comment by Carol on October 29, 2014 at 10:42am

That looks so cool the way the paint swirls on the top of the water like that!!!!!!!!  Remember back in the day they sold that toy that would spin and you would squirt the paint on the paper and it would make paint spin art??  Ran by like 4 "D" batteries!!  I remember mine used to run out of batteries all the time......lol

Comment by Keith on October 28, 2014 at 11:01am

The swirl paint technique and the hydro dip are not exactly the same.  The swirl paint is just that, using paint on the surface of water swirled together, then dipping object and swirling or not.  The hydro dip uses a film placed on top of the water, not sure of the exact process.

Comment by VOXul on October 28, 2014 at 9:29am

Not sure of the time when that became a more readily available process analog, seems to have taken hold as 'camo print all over everything' market, like ATV fender flares and such. Those swirls have to be done up in a similar fashion I would think, when Lava Lite was somewhat of a pioneer in design...

I am really tempted to pick up a kit and try it out. It is rather expensive for the small kit when you compare the materials received in the larger pro kits.

Comment by Carol on October 28, 2014 at 9:10am

I think a seller on Ebay put that in there, lololol!!!  That's where I heard that they sit there and paint each one by hand with a paint brush, lolololol!!!  Leave it to ebay.......Wanna buy some swamp land Keith??  I'll give it to ya cheap?  Maybe a trade??

Comment by Keith on October 27, 2014 at 10:54pm

But they don't say painted with a brush!!  Hand dipped one by one is still hand painted 

Comment by Carol on October 27, 2014 at 7:52pm

Vox, LL supposedly states that the psychedelic swirls were individually handpainted. 

Comment by VOXul on October 27, 2014 at 10:58am

So were these made by hydro dipping? I know they can do some pretty sweet dips now, this site opens up a plethora of awesome base job potential!

Comment by Carol on October 26, 2014 at 9:52pm

The way the lines are drawn it kind of reminds me of the way the lines look in the haze swirls, only they are all different colors.........


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