Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

My Question is does or has anyone heard about mathmos New lava Lamp i was told it was going to be lauched in july Any news please?

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When is it going to be on the mathmos on line shop to buy?
Don't think there is an official release date yet. More details are to be released on Monday.
In a way, I hope it is not candle powered. From what I can see so far of the design, you would need to remove the globe every time you have to put a new tea light into the base. Also could potentialy be a bit of a fire hazard. I am sure fire and parafin wax do not mix too well!!
candles are made from paraffin wax too. because i used to know a candle maker
True! Thats why they burn so well!! Is the liquid contents of the lava lamp bottle flamable? My concern was that if the lamp was knocked over and the contents set alight...
The lamps contents will be sealed jut like any normal lava lamp. well we will see once more info will be given to us on monday
Ugg...I was hoping for something better. A nice 50 to 60oz Jet or something. We will have to wait and see for sure what it is. Maybe Jonny Magma's lamp will be nice cylinder type.

Loving the designs, hope they actually produce them. I'm a bit miffed about this though...

The worlds FIRST tea light powered Lava Lamp? WTF?! I must be imagining the Continental & my little pink baby...

maybe because it's a glitter lamp, they can dismiss it...
update you can now pre-order the fireflow R1 And Fireflow 01 will be released in the september.
But Also you can buy the spare bottles at £14.95 And also they are doing the R1 in chome and black finish

I have uploaded a picture of the glitter aswell.

sorry more pics
yes pre ordered mine why do you ask richard

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