Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate


My first faux wood base Florence,? Heat tapes? in electric Blue! my favorite Color! I have wanted one of these for so long!!

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Comment by frank Chillino on April 8, 2016 at 5:52pm

Thanks Jonas for the info, all I know is this is a very scarce lamp. I feel very lucky and grateful to have it!

Comment by Jonas Clark-Elliott on April 7, 2016 at 6:52am

Incidentally, I have no idea whether Heat Tapes, Inc. actually made heat tapes, which are flexible heating elements, often used to keep pipes from freezing.

Comment by Jonas Clark-Elliott on April 7, 2016 at 6:52am

The only thing I know about Pagoda was the "Pagoda Lamp Co." of Chicago. I wonder if we'll ever discover the link betwen Heat Tapes of Chicago, Pagoda Lamp Co of Chicago, MasterCrafters of Chicago (who originated the "oil" liquid and held the patent), etc.? I once found a blurb through Google Docs referencing Lava Corp. suing Heat Tapes, Inc. around 1968 or 1969, and I'd guess that was for Heat Tapes' lava knockoff-- perhaps Lava bought Heat Tapes, and acquired the formula for their Glitterlite that way? Who knows. But whether there was a link between MasterCrafters and Heat Tapes and/or Pagoda, I'll bet there WAS a link between Heat Tapes and Pagoda.

Comment by Modulo '70 on April 5, 2016 at 7:24pm
Rare as a hen at the dentist
Comment by frank Chillino on March 31, 2016 at 6:44pm

Hi Jonas, I thought for sure you would know who made this lamp. The base is the same shape as my 2 Pagoda lamps. The glass cylinder is wider than my small globed Florence's, but its about the same hight as the small globed Florence lamps. The color is very dark and rich, more than my Blue Florence lamps, but it does have some of the richness found in the Purple, and Blue Heat tapes. What company made the Pagoda? maybe they made this?

Comment by Jonas Clark-Elliott on March 30, 2016 at 11:56pm

These are neat. I'm not even certain that they're Heat Tapes. Are they?


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