I really need some advice here over a major life issue that I am about to end my life over if anyone could kindly message me or email me at sarahthediva@yahoo.com or if you want to message it's sarahthediva I have yahoo/msn combined messanger
I will give the details then because it is too much to get into here
Sorry I haven't been able to get in touch with you. Guess we are playing internet tag. But sounds like maybe things are looking a little more positive? I am usually on or near the computer between 7p and 12a EST.
One of my favorite quotes that I have held onto from my darkest moments.
'In the depths of winter, I finally learned that there was in me an invincible summer.'
If you need someone to talk to. I am always available. Just e-mail me or talk to me when I get online.
There is no reason to hurt yourself over what is going on. I really like talking to you. You have been a great friend to me. And I don't want to loose that.