Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Just got some interesting news from the inside plus an update of my blog from when I returned the yellow/clear with blue base/cap.

Firstly, the update from my blog.

I recieved a replacement from spencer's and the guy said that it is from a fresh batch that came from the manufacturer. This thing is crystal clear! I tell you that this lava moves nearly like an American made lamp, just a bit sluggish. The lava is a stunning bright yellow, not an orangish look to it like my previous one. Ok, so since he had info about it being from a fresh batch I drilled inside info from him.

Now for the good stuff.

The spencer's guy said, the reason why thier site and store doesn't have that much stock is because lava world's quality controll. So, I take that as lava world finally got off thier a$$ and started taking it out on those guys from China. He said that in the next couple of months their should be a fresh shipment on everything and a better quality should be emurging from the rubble. I don't know if you all should get out the wine and start rejoysing just yet. would like to see the next batch before I buy another China made lamp again. But if the result are as good as this lamp I got or better, there is light at the end of the tunnel for lava world yet.

Here is the link to my new lamp!


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Wow this sonds great. I hope it is true.

oh, I had an update on my clear/black w/white base too. Two days ago it started flowing like an American lamp. Yay! I have 2 china lamps that are good to go. Maybe in a week the one I just got will quit its slugishnis and flow exactly like an American. the lava flows great now and does move and twist and fall like an American but is just a tad on the slow side. here's hopeing for a bright future for lava world.
ya, stock is slim all over. Whatever is selling, it is the back stock of lamps. So, with all these clues, I really hope that guy was right about this.
Great looking lamp. I also have one just like it. I love the lamp.


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