Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

A few weeks ago I bought a vintage Aristocrat 52 oz lamp on eBay. I was great saddened when it arrived because the cap had broken in shipping and all the liquid had drained out of the globe leaving just the wax.

I was unable to find a replacement cap or replacement liquid. However, I was able to superglue the cap back together enogh to get it to seal! Also, using the directions for making liquid I found at www.moltenmeditation.com/lava.htm , I was able to mix up some new lear liquid!

I now have a working resurrected lava lamp! Hooray!

Broken lamp:


Fixed lamp:


I now have a atched pair of Aristocrats, and the pride of having fixed one of them myself.

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Flow probably works fine, but I would look to getting the cap replaced if possible
I remember seeing that broken lamp before. That is great that you were able to get the lamp to revive! Nice work! ya, I would try to find a new cap but probably harder to find.
Thanks. If anyone can tell me where to get a new cap I would do it, but I haven't found a place to get one.

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