Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I think it would be great if the OG Donor group had a cool/clever/funny name. This is a call out there to all you "creatives" to see what we can come up with. Any ideas off the bat?


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I think to express out gratitude to this lovely site

'Thank you - Goo'

hmmm, should be fun, How about .....

Lava Life...... a turn on your lava lite stuff.

I dunno really, lol. I quit, lol

great idea!
It seems we have two camps (as we always do ;-) ) - those who think it would be cool to keep track of donors, and those who don't. Personally, I just want everyone to be happy and we know that can never happen. I love Bohdan's idea based on the creativity of it. The Donor Medallion would be this interesting, ever-changing, data-infused, kalidoscopic love button. And who wouldn't love one of those? But I also see Trev and Bubbles concerns that it will become competitive and/or a brag thing. I'll sit on the idea for a bit because there is no rush. I've been running this site for 11 years, we have time.

I'm with Arne completely and like Bohdan's idea too. It is clear Marks Medallions have certainly increased donations that were badly needed. I also agree with Bubs and Trev, if you want to donate anonymously there should be that option.

As for me I don't give a ratsass about who has the biggest collection or who donates to help cover costs. If you do care about that kind of petty stuff get over it or get into therapy you need it.

If you have one lava and love it you're a goohead just as much as the Masters who have been collecting for years. Every single person on the site started with one lamp, except maybe Arne who is the luckiest gooer here!

If a member cannot afford to help Mark with the site costs don't feel bad be glad you are amongst folks that can and are willing to help out financially and are glad to do so not only for themselves but for you too so we can all enjoy such a great spot to hang out and be immersed in Lava Madness.

I'm in for however Mark decides to handle the issue. I'll continue to donate and continue to enjoy my lamps and oozinggoo regardless of how things swing.

Yeah buddy.
lol you are a master baiter! :D
Personally I would rather the donations remain anonymous, although I can see that it benefits the site if it increases donations.

I just dont want people saying that others are tight if they haven't donated etc.

Lots of people don't really have the money to do that.

Thats just my opinion.

Best idea yet Bohdan but to make everyone happy why not have all the donor lamps in the medallion without names. Just a number of donors each month/year and total amount of donations in the middle.

I can't imagine any donor's goal is recognition, bragging rights or judging others. That would just be goofy. I believe we all know there are lots of ways members donate and contribute to the site other than cash.

A donation program needs to be visible in order to work but donors don't need to be publicized in order to donate.

I vote for the medallion, so donations can increase, filled with lamps with numbers not names so no one is uncomfortable.

I've been letting this idea simmer and have come to the thought that the "interactive donor medallion" could be a lot of fun. It can work just like Bohdan's first idea, but recognition is completely optional. For the members that want to remain anonymous, the color of the lava will change but no name will go on the globe. That way no one can accuse anyone else of a free ride, because we are garaunteed to have some anon donations.

I agree with whoever it was that said that there are many ways to contribute to the site (creating content, helping new members, anwering questions, using the OG ebay link, and of course donating money to offset hosting fees.) There will never be a mandatory fee for OG - I said that back in 97 and still feel that keeping the site open keeps it interesting and active.


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