Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

My best friends' step father has been taken to the hospital suffering from either a mild heart attack or mild stroke we're not sure yet.

He was mowing the lawn this evening and his left arm started tingling and feeling numb, had some chest pains and broke out in a cold sweat with some trouble breathing.

We'd appreciate some prayers to go up for my friends' step father. He is a good man and I don't want to see anything happen to him.

I will keep this post updated as I get the info.

Thank you all for your support.


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Prayers and positve thoughts are on the way. Hope all goes well with the recovery.
Here's hoping for a speedy recovery and full fitness soon.

Here's the update.
Larry, my friends' step father, has had a mild heart attack. And it was due to his aorta's valve to the heart not functioning right. It is out of rythm with his heart so it was causing his heart to work harder.

In about a weeks' time, Larry is going to have this valve replaced. Not sure if they will replace his aorta and valve or just the valve. But either way it is a serious surgery. My dad had this surgery done but for different reasons. His aorta was blocked up.

We appreciate your prayers and positive thoughts. thank you all very much.

I have an update on my friend's step fathers' surgery.

It will be the first week of this month and he is going to have his entire aorta replaced by what I understand.

The chance of anything going wrong with this surgery is a very low percentage which is good to hear.

I will update on how it went and his recovery.

Thank you all for your support!

I wish your friend's step-father luck and well being for the op. These guys in the medical profession are so brilliant nowadays, I know, as my father has had a lot of procedures for his heart and is doing really well.
It is great to hear the news about your father.

The doctors did alot of great work with my father with his heart issues also.

I'm glad your father is doing well.

My friends' step father had his surgery today.
Everything went well and he is recovering. He should be able to go home in about a week.

Thank you all for your prayers and support.
They are very much appreciated.

Great news. so pleased to hear he is doing well.

Peace, good health and lava


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