Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Anyone Bidding on the 2 Million Dollar Comic Book?

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Carol, VOXul, those are all fine ideas, but let me rephrase the question.  If you have 3 million to blow on a COMIC BOOK your day to day living arrangements are probably already taken care of (oh, and taxes paid of course.  We have to make sure that our elected officials can take all of those vacations, right?).  I was curious as to what people would do after all the expenses of living are paid, charitable contributions taken care of, and all of that.

True, we mustn't forget the private jets we are funding for the officials in charge of the ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSIBILITIES. I don't blame him though, who wants to sit on a commercial plane for *gasp* an hour so I can say hello to mom and the mistress for the weekend...every weekend...of every month.

So if all the standard rich things are already taken care of... I would probably build a mega pinball and assorted table/video game room with water fountain that dispenses various flavors of Kool-Aid, full time chef that is skilled in fine cuisine but can also bust out an authentic Taco Bell menu for those fast times. Also begin on a rival garage to compete with Jay Leno but only stocked with various prototypes as well as Full Mopar Muscle catalog. This would include 3 - 1969 Dodge Chargers. 1 straight from Dukes of Hazard, 1 very clean deep wine red all stock but beefy and one hooptie for when I need to cruise the neighborhood without everyone asking 'Hey can we come over and play shuffle bowling and eat tacos?'

Edit: The cars include a plethora of super awesome airbrushed street vans too. Like this one.  Maybe add 'Stabbin Cabin' or something absurd along the running board but it would have after burners on the exhaust.

Don't know about the car/van thing, but I'm loving the Kool-Aid fountain and the taco bell chef!!!!  Oh, and the hooptie mobile so one is in cognito!!!  lol!!!

Lovin' the cars (and everything else!) but 3 mill may not cover all that!!  "Full Mopar muscle catalog" I'm droolin' like a Mathmos lava lamp at that one!!! 

Had me one kind of like this back in the day

No stories, just basic transportation.

Always wanted one of these, would defo be high on the list;

and this;

Not a car gal huh Carol! That's cool, you don't need to like super awesome artistic works of steel fueled by 8mpg big blocks that drip hotness as the sound of evil rumbles out of their bellies, The vortex whoosh of air being mauled into 4-barrel Holleys while raw fuel dribbles from the exhaust pipe (cue the afterburner switch).

Just kidding, not pickin' on ya.

That is a slick Econoline Keith! I love those porthole windows and the various shapes the cruisers would dream up on them. Man those are nice number 1's! I love the slant of the Mach 1 front and that brick solid rear. Nothing steals my heart like the front cowls on those cars ESPECIALLY the likes of the Charger and Mustangs, they just look like they are ready to suck in an atmosphere as well as eat anything that gets in front of them. That Caddie is straight Boss Hog too, that is one smooth riding land yacht!

Now hold up, wait a minute here!!!!  lol!!!  I didn't say I wasn't a car gal, just not into them to talk the lingo like that or know that much about them, but gotta tell ya, I WOULD NOT kick a stang out of bed any day!!!!  New, old or anywhere in between!!!!!

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