Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I do! I really wanted to keep a list on all the lamps that I've owned. I've started (and keep updated) a spreadsheet on all my vintage lamps. 


My only advice? Start early! If I had to do this now with 40 lamps I'd never remember!

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I did them from the start, so it was easy to keep up. :)
I used to... but it ghasn't been updated in 5 years. No problem, since I've only aquired a few lamps & traded a few as well. I'd hate to start from scratch, knowing I have over 60... I do advise that it be done, though. To be paranoid & refer to a former member's loss, to help report the theft of your beauties. It never hurts to be careful.
I like to remember things like these, so that's why I do it. :)
I was keeping track of my lamps in the beginning which was easy but I soon lost control. I remember the lamps I bought locally in stores, local pick ups and internet sites (NIB lamps) but once I hit Ebay it was all over. You have a great idea, I need to put the info from my head onto screen before I forget as I grow old and start to wonder how all the dam lava lamps ended up here haha.
I started a list a couple of years ago, but didn't keep it up.  I tend to mix globes and bases so what I started out with gets too muddled to figure out ;)
i tried but got fed up after the first 100 so didnt bother i just keep a photo archive of them now

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