Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I bought an Astro lamp sometime in the mid 90's and chose to go for the blue/blue colour after seeing them in action. many years later the liquid faded and the cap seel went so i decided to buy a replacement bottle.


since i really liked the original i had bought i thought i'd stick with that. Unfortunately the blue/blue replacement was quite different to the one i originally bought.


Now this is going to sound daft but the new one is just that. blue liquid and blue lava.


The original blue /lue i bought wasn't quite as described. Yes the liquid was blue, but the wax appeared to be different colours. When cold the wawx looked pale blue. when it was hot (nearest the bulb) it was almost a pink/purple colour, and become more pale blue as it rose to the top. (possibly a similar effect to the current violet/orange where the wax appears different colours depending on distance from the heat source).


To summarise i miss the original bottle and would hope that some one may be able to shed some light as to what i actually had originally, as i would like to get hold of it again.


Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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Will the description on this listing help?   http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/MATHMOS-TELSTAR-ROCKET-LAVA-LAMP-MAGIC-LA...

I know what your saying - I have a blue / blue astro myself and yes its a fantastic cloure combo.

The older blue / blue is a discontinued model so the only way of getting hold of one is to see if one come up on ebay etc or contact Mathmos and see if they can make a custom one for you.

Is this the lamp your discribing?

some people call this stuff magic wax
Wow thank you for the swift responses!

Babynoggin yes I think u may be onto something there. The description does sound right.

Does anyone know anything more about this? I must admit I've never heard of magic wax but that not surprising!

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