Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Not sure why I am happy, but I am! I picked up a bench bottle capper as the hand one would not work. The nice guy at the beer store made sure it worked. Right before my eyes my china globe was uncapped and then recapped. Perfection!

I am happy because I can now uncap and recap them without any problems. This is what was stopping me from doing any fixing from the get go. Not anymore! I can fix my china globes, my midnights and anything else that needs filter. SAWEET!

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I, too have been wanting to get a capper before I open any globes. I have heat coils to replace and color combining that I want to try, not to mention other projects. The last thing that I would want is to have a oily waxy mess because the cap was not on tight! (I have broke globes accidentally, not a pretty sight)
I personally have never broken a globe but some clutzy friends have. It is a mess. I don't blame you. Check out the bench cappers. I had a feeling I would have to go that route. Again, I was only prepared to spend 15 bux initiall, but it cost 40 for the bench capper. However, I am already impressed. So simple to use and perfect every time. Worth it.

I also went with shiny silver caps instead of a matte finish or gold colored ones. Thought it looked more factory that way.

I just did my clear/black from Spencers. Looks 100 times better. So clear it's amazing what a little filter can do.

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