Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate


lamp just arrived .. was thinking of letting it stil for a couple of days then maybe filter it .. and how can I top up the fluid loss? HELP!! :)

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Hi Ant I knew this is a custom bottle when I purchased it but got it for a reasonably small price so will take the risk and just let it run a bit and see if it clears up .. ciao

Astrobaby said:

Hi Federico,


Glitterball lamps are notoriously difficult to filter, do you know that Glitterball never shipped in an Astro bottle only in the 'baby bottles. Glitterballs can't be topped up with anything as they use a very special formula. I don't know what to recommend but I wish you good luck with it,


peace - 'baby.

I thought they used pure glycerin. At least the consistency is the same.
I know the crestworth glitterama's use glycerin. I tasted it. LOL.

:) I woud taste it too but i don't want to loose any more fluid ;)

The tip of a finger is not going to be detected.

But I really would not recommend tasting it.  But personally I had to know.

In my case, I broke a lunar sized glitterama all over the kitchen floor. So I had to clean it up.

I had no choice but to handle it. so I did an experiment..

I happen to have a bottle of glycerine and the taste matched.


As far as a gltterball. I don;t know, But the consistancy is the same.

I remember on the old board. someone replaced the fluid with pure glycerin. Do a search, maybe you will find the information you seek. 

Federico said:

:) I woud taste it too but i don't want to loose any more fluid ;)

I did, it was so slippery. I fell.

When I was picking it up to throw it out, (gross) it was like thick mucous, although sweet (/gross)

Jim said:

This all reminds me of a certain Zappa song....  Hilarious (no offense Federico).


Good thing you didn't step in it Weebo.  ;-)

ahahahah no offense taken ;)

Jim said:

This all reminds me of a certain Zappa song....  Hilarious (no offense Federico).


Good thing you didn't step in it Weebo.  ;-)

mmm when I see mucus I just can't resist tasting !!! ahahaha :P

WeeboTech said:

I did, it was so slippery. I fell.

When I was picking it up to throw it out, (gross) it was like thick mucous, although sweet (/gross)

SO DO I FILTER OR NOT ?!?!?!!?  O_o

do not filter it. I saw a discussion a while back and Bohdan said if you filter a glitterball you will ruin the fluid and the pump.

The thing with glitterballs is that they will look cloudy when cold (unless they are brand new) and thin out a bit when heated. Have you run the bottle yet?

it might look better running but i'm afraid filtering is not an option.

Also cant re-fill. the liquid will rise a little when hot.

Federico said:

SO DO I FILTER OR NOT ?!?!?!!?  O_o

yeah looks better after running but flows veeeery poorly!!! :(

how so?

Glitterballs in the astrobaby bottle produce a lot of balls quite quickly, then when all melted you get a long blob connected to the spring for about half an hour, then it detaches and flows. but they flow in balls and very slowly.

If yours flows like this its normal, if not it may be the volume affecting the the balance.

Federico said:

yeah looks better after running but flows veeeery poorly!!! :(

Could be a good idea .. I am afraid of splitting unevenly though .. 

Richard said:
You bought this bottle off Tom yeah ? I remember him posting about this a while back after he made it and saying it flowed very very slowly  Why not split it back into 2 baby bottles ?

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