Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Hi all,

I just joined the forum.  Wanted to let people know that I am working on a color changing lava lamp.  Mine will be called the Fire Light.  I'm hoping to get it on kickstarter soon.  I have a working prototype running now.  I'm also building custom, heavy duty steel bases for them.  I'm in the process of finding parts suppliers and getting costs for the parts.  Just wanted to see if there was any interest in this.  I am working now on getting 3 or 4 different prototype designs of bases built so that I can put together a video for kickstarter.  I'll get some pictures posted soon.  I am having a problem with my phone camera not capturing the colors very well.  I'm not sure how I'll deal with that when I try to make a video.



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Basically the betas will show one or two more models which will be available, a couple possible base color combinations each, better LED colors, and a redesigned control box.  This box is just one of those project boxes you buy at radio shack or whatever.  I'm thinking about laser cutting wood boxes, which will have my logo laser etched on them.  I figure I'll have 3 or 4 stain colors available for the wood.

These bases are powder coated, by the way.  Much better than paint.  The blue inside the circle holes on the green one is hand painted, though.

Well, it's been more than a year and a half since I posted last.  I know I said this a time or two before, but believe it or not, I am still working on my color changing lamps.  I hope no one's been holding their breath.  So while I've had a couple years of my life wasted by worthless bottle manufacturers, I've been working on small design tweaks here and there on the lamp design itself.  I finally have a good bottle manufacturer.    The bottles are being made by a scientific glassware company, out of actual Corning Pyrex Borosilicate, 5mm thick.  They are indestructible.  I've tweaked the body shape some, and refined the electronics quite a bit.  I have my current prototypes running with all controls stuffed into the body, and have gotten rid of the external control box.  Hoping to get the kickstarter running by the end of the summer.

Scroll up.  You'll see the first part of this post from today.

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